Friday, March 20, 2009

Hill training

I'm well into my 5th week of training for Stockholm and I'm proud to say that I've clocked up about 170 miles - it's very motivational to add it up like this; it makes you feel so much better. 

After a good breakfast of porridge with honey and wholemeal toast and marmalade (both homemade and very scumptious), I managed to get out to do my hill training in Ashton Court (8 x 40 secs uphill, no this is not a pic of Ashton Court, but it is a good pic of a hill!) without MBJ, my husband and chief motivator, as he has disappeared off to the Alps with some mates....and yes, I am insane with jealousy as I haven;t been able to fit any skiing in this year at all. 

Hill repeats really are hell, especially the first two when you feel that you'll never be able to do all 10, or 8 or however many you are planning. But when you get past the half-way count and you've only got 2 or 3 repeats to go, you start to feel a great sense of achievement and can suddenly see the light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak. Well, that's me done on hill training for another couple of weeks - fantastic!

I've come across a very informative website - take a look at these for some inspiration:

If you're considering any of these runs, these sites are good and include information on the history, qualification and charity places, travel and accommodation. Take a look.

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