Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pancake Day

Pancake day again. I must say that I wouldn't run a marathon on a pancake breakfast, but to me there is no better treat than a traditional pancake rolled up with lemon and sugar....great for this evening's post-workout treat! 

We make so many different varieties of pancake in my family that I've invested in a proper pancake pan...in fact I have two so that we can have a rolling stock of pancakes arriving at the table. I have a range of "healthy and sustaining" pancakes comng out in my book in July, but on pancake day there is only one choice for me -the bog-standand traditional english pancake recipe...you can't go wrong with it:


100g flour
1 egg
pinch of salt
300ml milk, or 250ml milk plus 50ml water
Sugar and lemon juice to serve
butter to cook

  1. Make a smooth batter with the flour, egg, milk and salt - blend together with an electric blender. If you can, leave this to stand for 30 minutes or so (I made my mixture last night for this morning's pancake feast).
  2. Heat a knob of butter in a large frying pan until hot and then pour enough batter to thinly coat the base of the pan. 
  3. Cook for a couple of minutes each side.
  4. Sprinkle with sugar and lemon juice, or whatever your prefered topping is...jam, maple syrup, sugar....roll up and enjoy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mmmm pancakes. I resisted last night. Actually I didn't resist - I'm just rubbish at making them.

Great site btw
The Red Bucket